
Į katalogą įtrauktos svetainės pagal užklausą international

Expert Movers UAE
taking the help of a professional service gives you the facility of safe transportation of your goods. whether it is delicate crockery, showpieces or heavy furniture, the expert movers at town movers & packers make use of the best material for packing and handle all your goods carefully. if you are relocating internationally, they have storage facilities to keep goods safe. keep your worries aside and take the help of town movers & packers when relocation.

Study Abroad-Free Services
xpertz solution ltd is a leading educational services organization providing a new generation of counseling and placement services to international students from all around the world.

Spintos, drabužinės, pertvaros - gera kaina!
Įmonės veikla yra nestandartinių baldų projektavimas, gamyba ir montavimas. esame oficialūs švedų kompanijos "elfa international ab" atstovai lietuvoje. naudodami žymiausių pasaulio gamintojų medžiagas siekiame aukščiausios kiekvieno gaminio kokybės.

Caucasian shepherd dog - KAUKAZO AVIGANIAI
caucasian shepherd dog kaukazo aviganiai - cempiono vaikai kaukazo aviganiu veislynas"rusu liutai" - pasaulio cempionu dinastija parduosime suniukus kaukazo aviganius nuo patino(rusijos cempionu generacija),kuris world dog show-paris-2011 laimejo 1-aja vieta(pasaulio cempionatas)ir nugalejome didziausia pasaulyje veiseja tatjana jagodkina(maskva-"Русский Риск"),is kurios veislyno ir musu suniuku kraujai.jis yra taip pat lietuvos cempionas ir daugkartinis tarptautiniu parodu nugaletojas,veisles nugaletojas ir net nuo 3men vien 1-uju vietu laimetojas.senelis-2007mpasaulio cempionas ir " fci - fédération cynologique internationale" dokumentais .kale(ir rusisku krauju) taip pat daugkartine parodu nugaletoja,tame tarpe ir tarptautiniu,1-uju vietu laimetoja(su fci dokumentais taipogi).suniukus galesite isigyti apie balandzio viduri su europasais,fci kilmes dokumentais,paskiepytus,dehelmintuotus.norintiems uzsisakyti suniukus ir pasigrozeti ju abiem teveliais(negiminingais) gyvai ir pamatyti realiai visus ju apdovanojimus,genealogini medi ir pasaulines parodos(wds-paris-2011)video irasus,parodu foto ir su proproseneliu nuopelnais-skambinkite telefonu+37065552727 .turime dar laisvu rezervavimui.tokiu kaukazu nerasite kol kas lietuvoje,nes didzioji dalis cempionu vaiku iskeliauja i norvegija,usa,rusija,canada,arabu emiratai ir kt.neeiliniai sunys-neeiliniam zmogui. language: german,english,russian,lithuanian tel.: +370 655 5 27 27 lithuania

Tarptautinis mediacijos ir arbitracijos centras
the icamc is a private international organization launched in 2010 by prof. robert kasprzyk. the icamc’s bodies are the following ones: - the president / chief justice, who decides about the policy and the strategy of icamc’s activities; - a secretariat headed by the secretary general, in charge of the implementation of the activities; - an advisory board appointed by the president / chief justice, giving advice and recommendations. objectives the icamc is an organization dedicated: a) to host arbitration and mediation proceedings as per the rules hereunder described; b) to act as legal advisor in important cases, at the request of clients; c) to initiate international actions on behalf of, or in the interest of numerous claimants/victims in order to stop prejudice and/ or get compensation due to illicit practice and facts affecting natural, social, economic, political or health environment of people. arbitration and mediation the icamc intends to provide speedy, fair, just, independent, neutral and focused services in the following areas: arbitration mediation the arbitrators of this court will be distinguished international experts from different disciplines, with a free and total independent spirit, representing every continent in the world. legal advisor the icamc will also act as advisor for a party in arbitral, as well as non-arbitral litigation and cases. the icamc will maintain a team of international advisors and lawyers, not only specialized in arbitration. lastly, the icamc intends to create a forum of local and national arbitration centers or tribunals or law firms, with which the icamc can cooperate. rules of the icamc i. general rules “party” can mean “parties”; “selected arbitrators”, “arbitral tribunal”; “arbitrators”, or “mediators” and vice versa. the secretariat has for main tasks to expedite the formalities, to facilitate communication and to guarantee a fair, impartial and prompt proceeding as per internationally recognized rules. the icamc’s secretariat notifies interim, partial or final award to the parties. the icamc’s secretariat : - receives communication from parties; - informs the parties concerned; - decides the number of arbitrators to be appointed (1 to 5 as per the nature of the case), should the claimant ask for such a choice; - selects the icamc’s arbitrators as per the expertise needed; -and acts as the clerical secretariat of each arbitration proceeding. in complicated cases (more than 3 arbitrators), each party may appoint one arbitrator (also a non- member of the icamc’s arbitrators), acting as amicus curiae of the arbitral tribunal. this designated arbitrator will be bound by all rules and principles applying to the duties of arbitrators and he will be bound by the confidentiality of all discussions within the arbitral tribunal. any proven breach of these rules by the designated arbitrator will result in dismissal of the party that appointed the arbitrator. the arbitral tribunal can also dismiss an amicus curiae arbitrator in case of lack of professional and/or ethical behavior, without recourse. the whole arbitration process is confidential and measures are taken to protect trade secrets and confidential information. except as otherwise expressly agreed by the parties, the language of the contract is the language of arbitration. if no written agreement is signed, the arbitral tribunal decides the language of arbitration, taking into consideration the wishes of the parties and of the arbitrators. the arbitral tribunal can decide on provisional or urgent measures only if parties have agreed on this competence, or if such measures can expedite or simplify the arbitration proceedings without causing legal prejudice to any party. all written documents (writ or evidence) produced by any of the parties during the proceeding shall be produced in a number of copies equal to the number of parties plus the number of arbitrators plus two additional copies for the icamc. the icamc’s secretariat decides about the means of communication (registered post, courier, fax or electronic communication). any notification is made to the address of the parties or of their representatives, if any. the icamc’s secretariat decides about the delay granted to the parties for submitting their pleas, as per the nature, importance and complexity of the case. the place of arbitration is in principle at the icamc’s offices. however, the arbitral tribunal can decide otherwise. niniejsza wiadomość , e-mail zawiera informacje poufne lub chronione prawem i jest przeznaczona wyłącznie dla wskazanego adresata. jej ujawnianie, kopiowanie, rozpowszechnianie lub podejmowanie jakichkolwiek działań związanych z jej treścią przez inne osoby jest surowo zabronione. jeżeli otrzymałeś/aś tą wiadomość omyłkowo – proszę o powiadomienie nadawcy odpowiadając na ten e-mail, a następnie usuń go ze swojego komputera. this e-mail message contains confidential information and/or legally privileged and is intended only for the use of the addressed person. any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this e-mail by any other person is strictly prohibited. if you believe that this e-mail message has been sent to you by error, please notify the sender by reply via e-mail and then delete this message from your system. you should advise immediately if you (or your employer) do not consent to internet e-mail for this kind of message.

East Africa Group Safari Tour
east africa group safari tour, we are a tour company which specialized in offering group tours in east africa’s kenya, tanzania and uganda. we provide different services including, but not limited to, travel and safaris, mountain climbing, car hire and rental services, airport/shuttle transfers, train booking and hotels bookings. we have enough resources including tour vehicles, v.i.p vehicles, experienced tour guides with proper customer relationship and medical (for first aids etc) training. we have a good relationship with all partners in this business including the government through the various ministries and departments, local and international organizations dealing with the wildlife etc.

Business Without The Risk
how without initial capital and without financial risk to start and build a successful and profitable international business.

Perkraustymas, perkraustymo, pakavimo paslaugos. Vietiniai ir tarptautiniai perkraustymai.
perkraustymas, perkraustymo, pakavimo paslaugos. vietiniai ir tarptautiniai perkraustymai. pakavimo medžiagų pardavimas. krovininis taksi. removal service. local and international moving. loading, unloading, packing. house, office mover.

Beauty Parlor In Abu Dhabi
edaleel offers uae nationals, residents and visitors useful information on health, wellness and beauty facilities locally and internationally. it is an interface between the general community and health, wellness and beauty care practitioners.

redal ltd engaged in international trade market of eco fuel and wood products. the products we sell - wood pellets, straw pellets, briquettes and firewood for eu.

International Culture Exchange
as specialists in organizing language programs in spain and abroad, is a pleasure to introduce our wide range of summer language courses abroad. - EU programmes, EuropeAID, EU projects
primeconsultants ltd - international support projects –international technical assistance to developing countries and to those with economies in transition. also consulting in eu programmes , eu projects, europeaid.

siulome tapti priviligijuotu tarptautines fm fragrance international kompanijos klijentu ir sio prekinio zenklo ambasadoriumi. fm group veikia tinklines rinkodaros principu.tai ne platinimo ar prekybos imone. prisijunkite prie lyderiu ir siekite permainu gyvenime. as isitikinau. konsultuojame.

International Engineering and Consulting Inc. Lithuania
company provides: ship inspection, shipbuilding, ship repairs, pacific ship repair, navy ship repair, model ship repair, port ship repair, marine engineers consulting, naval architects consulting, construction supervision, ship-technical inspection
international projects – verslo įmonė konsultuojanti, rengianti ir įgyvendinanti (administruojanti) es projektus (verslo, mokslo, turizmo, socialinius, kultūrinius, žemės ūkio). Įmonė paslaugas teikia nuo es projekto rengimo iki visiško jo įgyvendinimo (praėjus 5 metams po es projekto pabaigos).

Čia gali būti ir Jūsų svetainės nuoroda

Ši svetainė yra klasifikuotas nuorodų katalogas, aprėpiantis įvairias temines sritis. Katalogą pildo lankytojai, pateikdami nuorodas į įvairias naudingas interneto svetaines. Šiame puslapyje rodomas svetainių sąrašas pagal užklausą international. Katalogas yra atviras, galite nemokamai įtraukti ir savo svetainės nuorodą. Tai nemokama reklama, tiesioginiai lankytojai ir jūsų svetainės žinomumo didinimas.
Nuorodų publikavimas nereiškia mūsų rekomendacijos ar skatinimo apsilankyti tose svetainėse. Mes nesame susiję su nė viena iš šių svetainių ir neatsakome už jų turinį. Jei radote nuorodą į netinkamo turinio ar neveikiančią svetainę, galite pranešti kontaktų puslapyje nurodytais būdais.

Nemokami skelbimai .:. Dainos .:. Nemokama reklama

Nemokama reklama, katalogas